Knowledge of Generative-AI

In the era of computer science every one is involved in the process of digital computation and learning. To follow this process now a days one popular area of AI which is known as Generative-AI is also on the popularity.

Actually Generative AI is an Artificial Intelligence algorithms which is capable to generate fresh content from existing data like video , audio , images, files , text etc. This technique uses machine learning techniques and training from large data set of data.

With growing popularity of machine learning and deep learning technologies various field of digital media and media industry is going to largely impact from this technology because this techniques is cable to create new content from previously available data.

Generative AI models: Understanding the basics

“Generative AI models are artificial intelligence algorithms that can generate fresh content from already existing data, such as text, audio files, or images. These models use machine learning techniques and training from a large data set to create new content.”

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